The festival is held within the Museo Civico of Trinitapoli.
The mentioned museum presents the discoveries carried out since the 1987, when huge hypogeums have been unearthed.
This archaeological site is an unicum, and I'm going to tell you why.
"In Trinitapoli have been discovered 15 monumental hypogeums which date back 3500 B.C." the guide says.

These hypogeums were meant to celebrate fertility rites.
Few hundred years later, the hypogeums will be used to bury bodies.
Of course, those who were buried belonged to the upper class, as proved by the grave goods which have been brought to the light.
In one hypogeum, the archaeologists have even found amber, which has been brought here from the Baltic.
In another hypogeum, it has been unhearted the head of a young goat as well as deer horns, which were used for ritual purposes.
The audience, compounded by nearly 20 people, listen carefully to the guide.
In another hypogeum it has been brought to the light a crucibile, used to forge at that time bronze.
However, this site tell us more, much more.
The archaeologists have found a thousand of holes, wonderfully aligned in 45 lines.
What were they used for?
Here we have the support of archaeoastronomy, which have demonstrated that those holes were made according to the cycles of summer and winter solstices.
In other words, it can be considered a kind of a prehistoric calendar.
In one of such holes, have been discovered a man surrounded by six skulls.
This site is large five hectars (50.000 meters square).
After the journey through the museum we move to the agriturismo "Il Mulino" to contemplate both Saturn and moon trough powerful telescopes made available by the Società Astronomica Pugliese.
It's 11.30 pm.

I leave the happening with in background the David Bowie's space oddity.
Actually, I'm flying away
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